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Privacy Policy
Wisdom Says, Inc., d.b.a. PeaceKeeper Cause-Metics
( will never sell, give away, or trade your personal information to any third party for any purpose without your express permission or as defined by the applicable law. 

We use CommerceCM and Google Analytics to collect visitor data and monitor site traffic; for more information on their privacy policies, you can click on the following links:

CommerceCM Privacy Policy
Google Privacy Policy

When you visit, a small file called a cookie is downloaded to your computer.  A cookie is a text file for saving and transferring information between the user's browser and the website; such information could include shopping cart contents, saved passwords, and your preferred settings when you log in as a PeaceKeeper member.

A cookie cannot contain viruses or malware, and it will not steal any information from your computer; uses them solely for your browsing convenience.  However, your browser settings may enable you to block cookies or be notified when they are downloaded.

If you have any questions or concerns, please send us an email at or visit our Contact Us page.

With Love,
PeaceKeeper Cause-Metics