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  1. Organic castor oil: an evergreen shrub that has been used medicinally for about 4,000 years. Castor oil contains lectins which are carbohydrate binding proteins.

  2. Organic beeswax: produced from the hives of honey bees. It is estimated that these bees fly approximately 150,000 miles to produce one pound of beeswax. Right now there is an alert in the science and agriculture sectors because the bee colonies are disappearing.

  3. Organic cocoa butter:derived from the roasted seeds of Theobroma cacao, a tree native to the Americas.  Cocoa butter acts as a skin-conditioning and protecting agent.  It is the fatty component of chocolate and contributes to the delicious flavor of our lip balm.

  4. Argan Oil: is a plant oil produced from the kernels of the argan tree (Argania spinosa L.), which is indigenous to Morocco and southwestern Algeria.

  5. Essential oil of peppermint native to Europe (Mentha spicata) is a herbaceous perennial plant, peppermint is known for its calming digestive properties.

  6. Aloe Vera: Some evidence suggests that aloe vera may help with inflammation, high blood sugar, obesity, certain skin conditions, burns, and mouth sores.

  7. Tocopherol:  Also known as Vitamin E, a fat-soluble antioxidant. Vitamin E plays an important role in protection against free radicals that contribute to chronic illnesses. we source our Vitamin E from soy, not wheat.

  8. May contain (+/-): Titanium dioxide: the naturally occurring oxide of titanium, a substance mined from the earth.  The website "Skin Deep", which measures toxicity in make-up, indicates that titanium dioxide has "little absorption and no adverse health effects".  Titanium dioxide can be found in toothpaste and other food substances as well.  It is rated very safe by all accounts, but working with the substance can cause lung and respiratory problems.  PeaceKeeper would like to see more concrete research as data gaps remain.

  9. Iron Oxide: (+/-) Iron oxide is a chemical compound made of iron and oxygen. It's a vital, abundant, and inexpensive substance that's used in many biological and geological processes, as well as in cosmetics.

  10. May contain (+/-) Mica: a silicate mineral from the earth, whose name comes from the Latin word 'micare', meaning 'shine'.  Mica use dates back to prehistoric times, with the earliest use found in paleolithic cave paintings.