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Here are the ideals that we pledge to uphold in our business practices: 

1) Slavery-free labor

Indivisible is building a slave-labor-free company, so if we believe there to be any exploitation in hours, safety, or health care and retirement benefits, we are out.

We are consulting with to monitor this.

2) Fair wages

Indivisible makes sure that the companies we are working with, here and overseas, pay a fair wage to their employees.

3) Cruelty-free products 

Indivisible strives every day to practice the ideals of truthfulnessnon-stealing, and non-violence, as found in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, a text which outlines the ways in which a yogi can find ethical balance throughout their life.

When a yogi practices truthfulness, ultimately, anything they say will come true.  If they practice not hoarding or stealing, people will feel so safe around them that they will reveal unimaginable treasures. When we truly practice non-violence, then no negative energy can harm us. Like the Buddhist monks who can safely walk through a battlefield, we can face each day unaffected by the negativity in the world. Now that's powerful!

As a company, Indivisible strives to promote greater peace throughout the world by the practice of these traditional concepts. We hope that you can help us achieve success by practicing truthfulness, non-stealing, and non-violence in your own everyday lives!